BOS Zoom Meeting Information
You can now watch AND interact with us remotely!
To Join the 1/21/2025 Zoom Meeting:
Dial In Number: 1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 843 5842 9881
During the BOS meeting, public comment will be handled as follows:
- The Zoom public is asked to remain muted during the meeting when the Board is talking.
- If you do not wish to be seen on the Board Room TVs or the YouTube Recording, your camera must be turned off via Zoom.
- In-person public participants will be given the first opportunity to comment and ask questions on each agenda item that requires a Board vote.
- The Zoom public participants will be given the second opportunity to comment and ask questions on each agenda item that requires a Board vote.
- Zoom participants wishing to comment must raise their hand icon, state their name and must speak one at a time.