The East Goshen Township Fall/Winter 2023 Newsletter has been released.
Click here to read the Fall/Winter 2023 Newsletter.
Inside this issue:
- Township Information…………………………………………………………3
- Greetings from the Chairman …………………………………………..4
- Yard Waste, Bulk Trash & Hauler Holiday Schedule……..4
- Important Information……………………………………………………….5
- Pipeline Task Force…………………………………………………………….. 6
- East Goshen Poet Laureate ………………………………………………. 6
- Malvern Public Library News……………………………………………..7
- Westtown-East Goshen Regional Police Department 8-9
- Remembering Marty Shane………………………………………………10
- Sign up to recieve Notificaitons……………………………………….11
- Electronic Payment Program – Sewer/Trash Bill ……………11
- Paying your Sewer/Trash Bill…………………………………………….11
- What’s Happening at Goshen Fire Company?…………..12-13
- Recycling Day………………………………………………………………………14
- Winter Weather and Snow Removal………………………………16
- Park and Recreation Commission and Programs……..17-26
- East Goshen Jr. Poet Laureate …………………………………………26
- 2023 Southeastern PA Regional HHW Events………………27
- The Frog Barometer……………………………………………………28-29
- Household Hazardous Waste Events……………………………..30