Honey Bee Project
The Bees by the Blacksmith Shop is a wonderful public-private partnership that brought honey producing hives to the open space near the Blacksmith Shop! The Watermark at Bellingham Senior Living sponsors the hives, and Carmen B’s Honey, a Township-based small business, manages and maintains the bees! The Watermark has introduced apiary education to its residents and uses the honey in its recipes and cooking classes! But that’s not it, the Township was also awarded a Keep PA Beautiful grant funded by Giant Food Stores for a youth apiary program! In 2022, we rolled out a kids program complete with youth-sized beekeeper outfits so they can safely get close and see the inner workings of the hives. We graduated two classes of Junior Beekeepers and hosted East Goshen Elementary School classes throughout the year. For more information about this unique partnership, email Park and Recreation Director Jason Lang at jlang@eastgoshen.org
Left-Right: EGT Parks & Rec Director Jason Lang, Carmen Battavio,
The Watermark at Bellingham Executive Director Teresa Long (2nd from right) and fellow staff
Project Partners:
- The Watermark at Bellingham: https://bellingham.watermarkcommunities.com/
- Carmen B’s Honey: https://carmenbshoney.com/
Check out the Video on Demand, Beekeeping Series!
Check out these videos from our Beekeeping Series:
4. Winter feeding with fondant