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East Goshen Township
"Respecting the Past, Serving the Present, Preparing for the Future"
Chester County, PA
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2024 Resolutions
2024-01 Designate EGT Depositories for 2024 Fiscal Year
2024-02 Designate of Emergency Service Providers
2024-03 Fee Schedule
2024-04 Amending Resolution 2018-78 to reduce PTF Membership
2024-05 First Responder Tax Credit
2024-06 Policy for Mailbox Replacement
2024-07 Authorizing Disposal of EGT Records
2024-08 Revisions to the Deer Management Program
2024-09 Update of Fees
2024-10 Agreement with West Goshen for maintenance and improvement Responsibilities for Airport Rd & Ellis Ln
2024-11 Approved Number of Vehicles to be Purchased and Disposed of for 2025 by Charter Municipalities for WEGO PD

2023 Resolutions
2023-01 Designate East Goshen Township Depositories
2023-02 Designate the Emergency Service Providers for East Goshen Township
2023-03 Establish and Consolidate Various Fees and Charges
2023-04 Amending Resolution 94-21 that established EGT Historical Commission
2023-05 Chester County Municipal Grant Resolution
2023-06 Appointing a Member of the Zoning Hearing Board
2023-08 Supporting the PA Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial(America250PA)
2023-09 Deer Management Program for the 2023-2024 Season
2023-11 Establishing a New Recording Secretary
2023-12 Promoting Use of Reusable Bags and Discouraging Single-Use Plastic
2023-13 Supporting Operation Green Light


2022 Resolutions
2022-1 – Designate East Goshen Township Depositories
2022-2 – Designate the Emergency Service Providers for East Goshen Township
2022-3 Establish and Consolidate Various Fees and Charges
2022-4 Authorize Township Solicitor to petition  CC Court of common Pleas
2022-5 Chester County Municipal Grant
2022-6 Disposal of Township Records
2022-11 Pension Plan
2022-12 Deer Management
2022-13 Fee Schedule (Sewer Rate Change)
2022-14 Appointment of Founding Members of ESAC
2022-15 Authorization of EGT in the Delaware Valley Worker’s Compensation Trust
2022-16 Establishing Minimum Municipal Obligation for 2022 Budget year
2022-17 Establishing October 2022 as “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month”
2022-18 Fixing the Tax Rate for the Year 2023
2022-19 Act 57 Provisions