
Am I able to reserve the Blacksmith Shop?
Yes. You can acquire a key from the Township office. You are required to submit a deposit of $20 (cash or check made payable to East Goshen Township). The deposit will be returned when the key is dropped off back to the Township office.

Are there any volunteer opportunities with the Township?
East Goshen frequently has opening on its various Authorities, Boards and Commissions (ABCs). In addition, these ABCs often need volunteers for their events. For example, the Parks & Recreation Commission always needs volunteers for Community Day. The Conservancy Board often needs volunteers for tree plantings or Keep East Goshen Beautiful Day in the spring. The Historical Commission frequently needs volunteers for its various events. A complete list of volunteer opportunities can be found here.

How can I reserve a meeting room at the Township Building?
Please contact Kate Gillen or Ashley Nowak at 610-692-7171 to reserve a conference room.

How Do I Dispose of a U.S. flag?
Any U.S. Flag that is torn or faded and needs to be disposed of properly can be dropped off at the Township for a proper retirement. Flags must be removed from poles and sticks before dropping off at the Township. The local VFW will conduct a proper flag retirement ceremony to dispose of it. Administration office hours are from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

How is the Township governed?
The Township is governed by a 5-person Board of Supervisors. Supervisors are elected to 6-year terms. The Board of Supervisors appoints the Township Manager, who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Township. In addition, various volunteer advisory authorities, boards and commissions (ABCs), such as the Park & Recreation Commission, the Planning Commission, the Commerce Commission, the Historical Commission and the Conservancy Board, provide recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.

How often does the Board of Supervisors meet?
The Board generally meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the Township Building.

I’m interested in local government. Are there any classes or programs available to learn more about how the Township operates?
The West Chester Area Council of Governments, which consists of all the municipalities in the West Chester Area School District, often hosts a free Neighborhood University, which provides a thorough overview of how local government operates in Pennsylvania. Contact the Township on 610-692-7171 for more information.

I’ve been hearing a lot about new stormwater regulations and stormwater basins. Do I need to submit a stormwater management application to put an addition on my home?
Generally speaking, you must submit a stormwater management application for any addition on your house, although the complexity of a stormwater management plan will vary greatly depending on the size of your proposed addition. As this is a complicated subject, you are encouraged to contact the Codes Department at 610-692-7171 to discuss the matter in greater detail.

Is the public allowed to speak during those meetings?
Yes. The public is not only allowed, but strongly encouraged to make their opinions known at Board meetings. As Thomas Jefferson observed, “the government closest to the people serves the people best.” And no form of government is closer to the people than a township!
More specifically, there is an opportunity for public comment about every item on each meeting agenda. In addition, at the beginning and end of each meeting, the Chairman will ask if any member of the public has a comment about any item that is not on the agenda.

Where are the polling places in the Township?
There are nine voting districts in East Goshen Township. Click here for more information.

Where can I dispose of unwanted or expired medications?
Medication Collection Box
A permanent medication collection box has been added to the East Goshen Township Building lobby. This convenient location is available to residents between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. This box is in addition to the one that is located at the Westtown – East Goshen Regional Police Station, 1041 Wilmington Pike.
Medication collection boxes offer residents the opportunity to safely and anonymously dispose of unwanted and expired drugs and medications.
- Prescription Medicines
- Over-the-counter medications
Not Accepted:
- Illegal Drugs
- Needles – Visit Chester County Solid Waste Authority for info how to properly dispose of needles/sharps
- Lotions or liquids
- Inhalers
- Aerosol cans
- Thermometers
- Hydrogen peroxide

Where can I find the East Goshen Township Census Information?
Click here to view all the demographic data on East Goshen.

Which state and federal government legislators represent East Goshen?
State and Federal legislators can be found here.
Building and Code Department

A salesperson just rang my doorbell. Is door-to-door peddling allowed in East Goshen?
Door-to-door solicitation is allowed, provided that the solicitor has a solicitation permit from the Township. The permit needs to be visibly worn by the solicitor. The permit will clearly state East Goshen Township and include a photograph of the solicitor. However, political groups, candidates and religious groups espousing a particular faith are generally exempt from the permit requirement due to constitutional protections.
The Township also has a “do not knock” registry, which prohibits solicitors—even those with a permit—from knocking on your door. Your address can added to the registry by completing the Peddling & Soliciting Do Not Call form which can be found on the Forms and Applications page.

Do I need a use and occupancy certification in order to sell or rent my property?
Yes, the certificate is required in order for the Township to ensure that all inhabitable properties meet a minimum threshold for safety. A use and occupancy request form can be found here.

How can I see the plot plan for my house?
To see a plot plan for your house, simply submit a Right To Know Request form to the Township. The form can be found on the Forms and Applications page.

How do I get a building permit? What do I need to provide to the Township?
You will need to submit an application for your project (a list of applications for various types of projects can be found here). In addition, depending on the type of project you are doing, you may need to submit building plans as well. The Township encourages you to contact the Code Department at 610-692-7171 with any specific questions about the permitting process.

I have a septic system. Does the Township require that I have it pumped every so often?
Yes, the Township Code requires you to have your on-lot septic system pumped by a licensed contractor once every three years and to provide proof of pumping, along with a $10 administrative fee, to the Township.

I just read your zoning ordinance and I don’t think that the renovation that I’d like to do would be allowed. Is there a way to get a variance from something in the zoning ordinance?
Requests for variances from the Township Code are considered by the Township’s Zoning Hearing Board, a 3-person adjudicatory body. The Zoning Hearing Board considers various criteria in deciding whether to grant a variance, as are outlined here. Prior to a variance request going before the Zoning Hearing Board, the proposed variance is first considered by the Township’s Planning Commission and then by the Board of Supervisors, both of which typically make a recommendation to the Zoning Hearing Board about whether the variance should be granted.

My business would like to go door to-door in the Township to sell our product. Do we need a permit?
Yes, all businesses and organization need permits to solicit in East Goshen. The permit costs $50 and requires anyone going door to door to undergo a background check with the Pennsylvania State Police. You must call 610-692-7171 to schedule an appointment when applying. The permit application can be found on the Forms and Applications page. Political groups, candidates and religious groups espousing a particular faith are generally exempt from the permit requirement due to constitutional protections.

My neighbor is burning leaves and sticks in his backyard. Is that allowed?
It depends. Under our ordinance, a resident may have an open “recreational” fire to cook food. Residents can also burn sticks and branches only in a container, such as a burn barrel, between 10am and 4pm. However, residents cannot burn leaves or municipal waste or have an “open burn” for which the purpose is something other than to prepare food.

My neighbor put up a fence, and I think she put it on my property. What can I do?
You would need to contact a surveyor. If it is determined that the neighbor’s fence does go into your property, you would need to resolve this issue directly with your neighbor.

Our neighbor’s lawn service starts mowing grass at 6:30am some mornings. Is this allowed?
No, the Township Code prohibits lawn services or contractors from making noise disturbances prior to 7:00am or after 10:00pm.

There is a dead deer by the road at the edge of my property. Who can I call to have it removed?
For dead animals on state roads (Greenhill Road, Route 352, West Chester Pike, Boot Road, Strasburg Road or Paoli Pike), please contact PennDOT at 1-800-FIX-ROAD or you can submit a concern at their Customer Care Center ; For dead animals elsewhere, please contact the Pennsylvania Gaming Commission at 610-926-1966. They need to know the location of the deer and the Township in which you live.
Dead Deer on your property
If you have a dead deer on your property, and the Township Office is closed (Township hours M-F 8:00am-5:00pm), please call Tom Marsh, 484-571-2092, with the location of the deer. The deer will need to be moved to the front of your property for removal. He cannot drive on your lawn. You can also call the Gaming Commission (same number as above) .

What type of construction requires a building permit?
A list of construction projects that require a permit can be found here. This list is not exhaustive, and the township encourages you to contact the Code Department at 610-692-7171 if you have specific questions about whether you need a permit for your project.

Workers from the Township (or PECO, Verizon, etc) are digging something up near the road in front of my property. Are they allowed to do that without my permission?
Generally speaking, the Township “right-of-way” extends 15 feet on either side of your street. Government agencies, such as the Township, and utilities, do not need permission to access their infrastructure located in the right-of-way. However, as a matter of policy, the Township makes every effort to notify affected property owners prior to doing work in a right-of-way.
Bulk Trash Pickup

Is there a maximum sized item that can be picked up?
The item must weigh less than 75 pounds and be able to be picked up by two people.

What about bulk trash? When does it get picked up?
A complete list of bulk trash days can be found here.

What are not acceptable items for bulk trash pick-up?
A complete list can be found here.
E-Waste and Hazardous Waste

How do I dispose of something with Freon, like a refrigerator, freezer, dehumidifier or an air conditioning unit?
Any device or appliance with Freon cannot be accepted by the hauler unless a certified contractor has removed the Freon and placed a proper sticker on the item.

There’s a long list of items that the hauler won’t pick-up. How do I dispose of televisions and computers?
East Goshen, West Goshen, West Chester Borough and a variety of other area municipalities partner with eForce Recycling to offer “Anything with a plug” electronic recycling events. TVs and monitors can be safely recycled at these events for $30 each (projection TVs cost $100). Other electronic waste is taken for free. Visit here to stay up to date on upcoming e-recycling events in the area. ALSO, NOTE THAT E-WASTE IS NO LONGER ACCEPTED AT COUNTY HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD MATERIAL EVENTS.

What about construction material?
Construction material must be picked up by a private trash hauler.

What about old paint?
Water-based paints, such as latex, can be disposed of by first letting the old paint dry and then disposing of it along with regular trash. Non-water-based paints are hazardous household materials and cannot be picked up by the hauler.

What about those old bottles of solvents, weed killer and pool chemicals taking up space in my garage. They’re probably hazardous and I’ve had them since the late 1990s. How can I safely get rid of them?

What about tires?
Tires must be disposed of at a tire service center.
Earned Income Tax

I had no earned income last year. Do I have to file earned income taxes?
Yes, you must file earned income taxes, even if you don’t owe any money. A copy of the return and instructions can be found here.

I received a delinquent notice from Keystone for unpaid EIT taxes from over three years ago. Why did Keystone wait this long to notify me of unpaid taxes?
The Pennsylvania Department of Revenues has three years from the end of the tax year to audit state tax returns. Only at the end of that three-year period does the state release the returns to Keystone. Then, Keystone compares the state tax return files against its returns from that year to identify discrepancies in local EIT filings. The penalty interest rates for delinquent EIT are codified in state legislation (Chapter 7 of Act 511). Other than deciding whether to levy or not levy an EIT and what the rate should be, Pennsylvania municipalities have no ability to directly dictate the policies that the tax collectors must follow.

My employer withheld earned income taxes from my paycheck last year. Do I still have to file?
Yes, you must file earned income taxes, even if you don’t owe any money. A copy of the return and instructions can be found here.

What is East Goshen’s earned income tax rate?
East Goshen’s earned income tax rate is 1% of earned income. For East Goshen residents, 50% of this amount goes to the West Chester Area School District and 50% goes to the Township.

What is the PSD code?
East Goshen’s PSD code is 151202.

Who collects the Township’s earned income tax?
Keystone Collections Group is responsible for earned income tax collections for all municipalities and school districts in Chester County. Keystone can be reached by phone at (724) 978-0300.
Emergency Services

How can I become a volunteer EMT/firefighter?
Contact either the Goshen Fire Company at 610-430-1554 or the Malvern Fire Company at 610-647-0693.

How many townships does our police department serve?
The Westtown-East Goshen Police Department serves East Goshen, Westtown and Thornbury (Chester County) townships.

What fire company serves East Goshen?
The Goshen Fire Company serves about 95% of the Township. In addition, the Malvern Fire Company service area includes the northeastern corner of the Township.

Where can I get an accident report?
Contact the WEGO Police Department on 610-692-9600.
Miscellaneous Billing Questions

Do you accept credit card payments for utility payments?
To pay a utility bill, please click here to Pay Sewer and Refuse. Enter account number and street address (numbers only) to view account balance and pay using check, debit card or credit card with no fee!

How much are utility and tax certifications (certs)?
A certification form must be completed and remitted with appropriate check(s). $15 for sewer certifications and $15 for trash certifications, regardless of whether on public sewer or septic. Separate checks must be remitted for each certification, payable to East Goshen Township. A separate U&O form must be completed if property is being sold. Note: East Goshen Township does not provide sewer or trash service to Hershey’s Mill Development. Also, we do not provide trash service to multi-family complexes such as Goshen Valley, Summit House, and Cider Knoll.
Both the certification and U&O forms can be found on our Forms and Applications Page.
- Effective January 1, 2022, East Goshen Township Tax payments and 2022 TAX CERTIFICATION requests must be remitted to Chester County Treasurer, 313 W Market St, Suite 3202, PO Box 2748, West Chester, PA 19380. Check must be payable to Chester County Treasurer. Questions regarding East Goshen Township taxes or certifications must be directed to Chester County Treasurer’s Office at 610-344-6370.

I just moved to the Township. How do I change the previous owner’s accounts with the Township into my name?
The accounts will be automatically changed into your name. East Goshen receives a monthly report from Chester County that lists all property transfers over the past month. Based on those reports, we update our systems.
Other Utility

How do I report a power outage or a potential natural gas leak?
Contact PECO on 1-800-841-4141 or visit PECO online.

Who is the electric and natural gas utility for East Goshen Township?

Who is the water utility for East Goshen Township?
Park and Recreation

Are there any upcoming trips?
A list of upcoming trips can be found here.

Can I ride my bike or rollerblade in the Park?
Bikes and rollerblades are allowed in Applebrook Park, but not in the Township Park.

Can I walk my dog in the Park?
Yes, however, dogs must be on a leash and under the control of their owner. In addition, pet owners are responsible for cleaning up any waste. Doggie waste bags are available at various locations along the walking paths.

How do I get a job at the summer rec camp?
Please contact Jason Lang at 610-692-7171. Generally, our counselors are long-time former campers who have been affiliated with the rec camp program since they were in elementary school.

How do I rent a ball field or the pavilion for an event?
Information regarding renting a field or pavilion at the park can be found here. Questions about holding events in the Park can be addressed to Jason Lang, Recreation Director, on 610-692-7171.

What recreation programs can I register for now?
A list of recreation programs that are currently accepting registrations can be found here.

When is the next Township-organized Garage/Yard Sale? Can I participate if I live in an apartment complex or a gated community?
Township-organized yard sales are held in the spring and the fall. Residents of gated communities or apartment complexes may reserve a spot to sell items in the Township Park on the specified day.
Public Works

Can I cut back the branches on my neighbor’s tree?
You may only remove the portion of branches from a neighbor’s tree that extent over your property line.

I have a sewer clog at my house. Can the Township come out and take a look at it?
Generally speaking, you are responsible for sewage clogs from your property to your sewer connection at the street. However, you are encouraged to contact the Public Works Department at 610-692-7171 before contacting your plumber to rule out what might be causing the clog in the first place.

I live next to Township open space. There’s a dead tree in those woods that could fall on my garage if it’s not removed. Who is responsible for removing that tree?
The Township is responsible for trees in Township open space. Please contact the Public Works Department at 610-692-7171 if you have concerns about one of our trees.

My mailbox was hit by a snowplow last night. Will the Township replace it for me?
The Township will reimburse $50 to any property owner with a damaged mailbox caused by a Township snowplow. You can be reimbursed by completing the Mailbox Replacement Form and forwarding the form to East Goshen Township, 1580 Paoli Pike, West Chester, PA 19380.

The cap broke on the sewer pipe in my front yard. How can I get another one?
Please contact the Public Works Department at 610-692-7171.

There’s a tree on my neighbor’s property that is dying and looks like it may fall on my shed. My neighbor thinks it’s no big deal, but I’m concerned. Can the Township remove it?
The Township is not allowed to do work on private property. This issue would need to be resolved directly between you and your neighbor.

When are the streets in my development going to be paved?
The Township paves roads on a 18-year cycle. However, please be aware that the Township does not pave state roads (Greenhills Road, Route 352, West Chester Pike, Boot Road, Strasburg Road or Paoli Pike) or private roads, such as those in gated communities.

When does the Township sweep the streets?
Weather permitting, the Township generally sweeps in late March after the last of the winter snow has melted.

Where does my sewer discharge?
Generally speaking, if you live in the eastern part of the Township, your sewage will flow to the Ridley Creek Sewage Treatment plant off Line Road in East Goshen. Sewage from the western part of the Township generally flows to the Chester Creek Sewage Treatment Plant, operated by West Goshen.

Why won’t the Township fill potholes on Greenhill Road, Route 352, West Chester Pike, Boot Road or Paoli Pike?
Because these roads are owned and maintained by PennDOT, the Township has no ability to maintain them.
Real Estate Tax

Should I send my check for real estate taxes directly to the Township?
No you should not send your real estate taxes to the Township.
Effective January 1, 2022, the Township no longer mails real estate bills. Real estate taxes will be mail and processed by the Chester County Treasurer’s Office. Please call 610-344-6370 if you have any questions.
Also, You should probably check with your mortgage company if you’re not sure. Most mortgages have escrow accounts to pay real estate taxes and homeowners insurance.

What is the mill rate for the West Chester Area School District and Chester County?
As of 2021, the mill rate for WCASD was 22.06 mills or 2.206% of your home’s tax assessment, while Chester County’s was 4.551 mills or 0.4551%.

What is the Township’s real estate tax mill rate?
1.75 mills or 0.175% of your home’s tax assessment.

When does the Township mail real estate tax bills?
Effective January 1, 2022, the Township no longer mails or processes real estate tax bills.
East Goshen Township tax payments will be processed by Chester County Treasurer’s Office. Please call Chester County Treasurer’s Office at 610-344-6370 with any questions regarding East Goshen Township real estate taxes.
Trash Collection Questions

Does the Township provide a trash can or recycling container?
The Township provides one recycling container per household, but not trash cans. If you need a replacement recycling container, please go to the East Goshen Township Building located at 1580 Paoli Pike West Chester, PA 19380 during normal business hours to pick one up.

Is there a limit on the amount of trash I can leave out for pick-up?
There is no limit to the number of bags that you can leave out, provided that each bag weighs less than 50 pounds.

What are not acceptable items for recycling pick-up?
Garbage, food waste, ice cream cartons, plastic toys, electronics, hazardous chemical containers, plastic bags, polystyrene cups or plates, foam egg containers, sporting goods, CDs and DVDs, batteries, yard waste, garden tools, hangers, light bulbs and motor oil. Click here for a complete list of what can and cannot be recycled.

What day is my trash and recycling picked up?
Visit here for information on the trash and recycling schedule.

Where does my trash end up?
The Lanchester Landfill, just west of Honey Brook, PA on Route 322.
Utility Billing (Sewer and Trash)

I have a rental property in the Township and the lease requires that the tenant pay for sewer and trash? Can you send the bill to the tenant instead of me?
East Goshen does not send bills to tenants. Landlords should be aware that property owners, not tenants, are ultimately responsible for the timely payment of utility bills and that liens and other legal remedies can be filed against them for chronic delinquency.

What are the sewer and trash rates?
There are two components of sewer rates: a fixed rate, which all users of the sewer system pay regardless of usage, and a variable rate, which is based on the number of gallons of sewer that you use. For July 2021-April 2022, the fixed rate is $35.61 per quarter and the variable rate is $9.70 per thousand gallons of sewer. More information about sewer rates can be found here. Effective January 1, 2022, the refuse and recycling rate is a flat $100.00 per quarter.

When are sewer and trash bills mailed?
Sewer and trash bills are mailed on January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15.

Wow, my sewer bill went way up (or way down). How are sewer bills calculated?
Sewer rates are recalculated every July, based on the average quarterly water usage during the last three months of the previous year (October-December) and the first three months of the current year (January – March). During the fall and winter months virtually all water use flows into sewer systems.
In other words the sewer rate calculation is based on the water consumption periods (Oct – March) and are reflected with the July billing cycle and continuing for the following three billing cycles (October, January and April). As a result, some residents observe large fluctuations in their sewer bill from year to year due to their water usage during the preceding winter.
Yard Waste

What about Christmas trees?
Christmas trees will be picked up on the four yard waste pick-up days in January.

What about yard waste like leaves and tree debris? When does it get picked up?
Yard waste is generally picked up every Wednesday. A complete list of yard waste days can be found here.

What items are not acceptable for yard waste?
Dirt, rocks, logs, and pumpkins. Branches over 4 feet long are also not accepted.

What type of containers do I put yard waste in?
Only paper bags will be accepted. No plastic bags will be taken. You may also use a trash can, provided that it weighs less than 50 pounds. In addition, branches under 4 feet long may be bundled and tied with string.

Will the hauler take tree limbs?
Only if they are under 4 feet long, tied, and bundled together.