Alongside our website, East Goshen engages with residents and the business community through various communication channels:
CONSTANT CONTACT -We distribute emails covering a range of topics through Constant Contact. This platform enables you to tailor the types of information you receive according to your preferences.
To update your interests:
- Open an email received from East Goshen Township
- Select “Update Profile” – Found on footer of email
- Select Submit
- Check your email and select “Update Profile”
- Update your interests and then select submit
READY CHESCO -Receive EGT specific alerts: Office Closures and Delays, Trash/Recycling Interruptions, Travel Advisories and Board Meeting Changes
FACEBOOK /INSTAGRAM -Explore our Facebook and Instagram pages to stay updated on the latest events happening in the Township!
NEWSLETTER – We publish a Newsletter twice a year, which is automatically sent to all residential addresses in the Township. The newsletter can be found online as well as copies can be picked up at the Township Building.