Marydell Pond
Click here to view the Conceptual Rendering of Project
A letter was sent to all residents inviting them to attend a public meeting on 3/7/19.
Marydell Pond Documentation (Updated 2/27/2019)
08/14/18 – Letter To Residents
The Marydell Pond Committee was formed to work with the Conservancy Board to help develop a recommendation on how to best implement the recommendations from the Natural Lands Trust report.
Click here to read the Natural Lands Trust report.
The Marydell Pond Committee has met concurrently with the Conservancy Board.
Click here to view the past agendas and minutes.
Committee Members: – The Board of Supervisors adopted the Work Plan on March 7, 2019
Marybeth Avioli
Mike Fox
Jay Gagliardi
Scott Greene
Michelle Guinan
Dianne Haley
Jean Hendrix
Mary Ellen Miller
Russell Miller
Kate Minshall
Jeff O’Donnell, Jr.
Scott Rainsford
Jim Williams